Historic Team Building of the IT4BA Team
at Manuc Bei Hîncești

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On a radiant weekend, the IT4BA collective stepped away from their technological pursuits to immerse themselves in the historical grandeur of the Manuc Bei estate in Hîncești. 🌳🏰 This excursion was marked by a profound engagement with the rich tapestry of Moldovan history. As they traversed the estate, the team members found themselves enveloped in the narrative of a bygone aristocratic age. 📜🕰 The mansion’s every nook and corridor narrated a silent chronicle, revealing the manifold anecdotes that shaped the historical contour of Moldova.

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Amidst the verdant embrace of the estate’s gardens, conventional dialogues about coding and innovation gave way to camaraderie-fostering activities and laughter.

🤝🎲 It became apparent that, akin to the stones of the mansion which coalesce to form its majestic presence, each team member's unique contributions are the bedrock of IT4BA’s collective triumph.

The event was not merely an educational journey but also a culinary delight, featuring a spread of traditional Moldovan fare complemented by the nuanced flavors of local wines.

🍇🍷 With spirits uplifted and a renewed sense of purpose, the IT4BA team departed from Hîncești, their minds infused with historical insights and their hearts buoyed by the unifying experience.